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Hi, I am hirohiu

Hiroshi Ukai

Software Engineer in Automated Verification

I am a programmer in Java, bash, python, and other languages. In my work life, I have been designing, building automated testing frameworks and their testing languages that verify various aspects of large scale distributed heterogeneous software products. Doctor of Engineering


Author March 2015 - Present

Model-based testing tool powered by Combinatoril Interaction Testing concepts.

Author Jun 2019 - Present

A JSON (YAML) processor with inheritance and templating. Extremely useful for designing configuration files.

Author 2020 - Present

A composable, extendable, multi-purposed assertion library. Designed to be zero-overhead as DbC assertions.

Author Jun 2013 - Present

A JSON-based music macro language processor written in Java. Old design, but a fun thing.

Author Jun 2020 - Present

A library to “synthesize” an object without consturcting. Allows you to reuse and modify behaiviors of an object, not a class. Under development.

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