package com.github.dakusui.pcond.forms;
import com.github.dakusui.pcond.experimentals.currying.CurriedFunction;
import com.github.dakusui.pcond.experimentals.currying.CurryingUtils;
import com.github.dakusui.pcond.experimentals.currying.multi.MultiFunction;
import com.github.dakusui.pcond.experimentals.currying.multi.MultiFunctionUtils;
import com.github.dakusui.pcond.core.printable.PrintableFunctionFactory;
import com.github.dakusui.pcond.core.refl.MethodQuery;
import com.github.dakusui.pcond.core.refl.Parameter;
import com.github.dakusui.pcond.validator.Validator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import static com.github.dakusui.pcond.core.refl.ReflUtils.invokeMethod;
import static com.github.dakusui.pcond.forms.Predicates.allOf;
import static com.github.dakusui.pcond.forms.Predicates.isInstanceOf;
import static com.github.dakusui.pcond.internals.InternalUtils.formatObject;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* An entry point for acquiring function objects.
* Functions retrieved by methods in this class are all "printable".
public class Functions {
private Functions() {
* Returns a printable function that returns a given object itself.
* @param <E> The type of the object.
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<E, E> identity() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.IDENTITY.instance();
* Returns a function that gives a string representation of a object given to it.
* Internally, the returned function calls `toString` method on a given object.
* @param <E> The type of the object
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<E, String> stringify() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.STRINGIFY.instance();
* Returns a function that gives a length of a string passed as an argument.
* @return The function.
public static Function<? super String, Integer> length() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.LENGTH.instance();
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "RedundantClassCall" })
public static <E> Function<List<E>, E> elementAt(int i) {
return Function.class.cast(PrintableFunctionFactory.Parameterized.ELEMENT_AT.create(singletonList(i)));
* Returns a function that that returns a size of a given list.
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<Collection<E>, Integer> size() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.SIZE.instance();
* Returns a function that returns a stream for a given collection.
* @param <E> Type of elements in the given collection.
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<Collection<? extends E>, Stream<E>> stream() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.STREAM.instance();
* Returns a function that returns a stream for a given collection.
* @param elementClass A parameter to let compiler know the type of the element in a collection.
* @param <E> A type of elements in a collection.
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<Collection<? extends E>, Stream<E>> stream(@SuppressWarnings("unused") Class<E> elementClass) {
return stream();
* Returns a function that returns a stream for a given object.
* This method corresponds to {@link Stream#of(Object)} method.
* @param <E> Type of object.
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<E, Stream<E>> streamOf() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.STREAM_OF.instance();
* Returns a function that casts an object into a given class.
* @param type The type to which the given object is cast
* @param <E> The type to which the object is case.
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<? super Object, E> cast(Class<E> type) {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Parameterized.CAST.create(singletonList(type));
* Returns a function that casts an object into a given class.
* ```java
* assertThat(
* asList(lastName, fullName),
* allOf(
* transform(elementAt(0).andThen(cast(String.class))).check(allOf(isNotNull(), not(isEmptyString()))),
* transform(elementAt(1).andThen(castTo((List<String>)value()))).check(Predicates.contains(lastName))));
* ```
* @param value A type place-holder.
* Always use a value returned from {@link Functions#value()} method.
* @param <E> The type to which the object is case.
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<? super Object, E> castTo(@SuppressWarnings("unused") E value) {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.CAST_TO.instance();
* Returns a function that creates and returns a list that contains all the elements in the given list.
* @param <I> The type of the input collection.
* @param <E> Type of the elements in the collection
* @return The function.
public static <I extends Collection<E>, E> Function<I, List<E>> collectionToList() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.COLLECTION_TO_LIST.instance();
* Returns a function that converts a given array into a list.
* @param <E> Type of elements in a given array.
* @return The function.
public static <E> Function<E[], List<E>> arrayToList() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.ARRAY_TO_LIST.instance();
* Returns a function the counts lines in a given string.
* @return The function.
public static Function<String, Integer> countLines() {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.Simple.COUNT_LINES.instance();
* //@formatter:off
* The returned function tries to find a {@code substring} after a given string.
* If found, it returns the result of the following statement.
* [source,java]
* ----
* s.substring(s.indexOf(substring) + substring.length())
* ----
* If not found, a {@link StringIndexOutOfBoundsException} will be thrown.
* //@formatter:on
* @param substring A substring to find in a given string.
* @return The string after the {@code substring}.
public static Function<String, String> findString(String substring) {
return PrintableFunctionFactory.function(
() -> format("findString[%s]", substring),
s -> {
int index = s.indexOf(substring);
if (index >= 0)
return s.substring(s.indexOf(substring) + substring.length());
throw new NoSuchElementException(format("'%s' was not found in '%s'", substring, s));
*[Curries] a static method specified by the given arguments.
* @param aClass A class to which the method to be curried belongs to.
* @param methodName A name of the method to be curried.
* @param parameterTypes Parameters types of the method.
* @return A printable and curried function of the target method.
public static CurriedFunction<Object, Object> curry(Class<?> aClass, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
return curry(multifunction(aClass, methodName, parameterTypes));
* Curries a given multi-function.
* @param function A multi-function to be curried
* @return A curried function
* @see Functions#curry(Class, String, Class[])
public static CurriedFunction<Object, Object> curry(MultiFunction<Object> function) {
return CurryingUtils.curry(function);
public static <R> MultiFunction<R> multifunction(Class<?> aClass, String methodName, Class<?>... parameterTypes) {
return MultiFunctionUtils.multifunction(IntStream.range(0, parameterTypes.length).toArray(), aClass, methodName, parameterTypes);
* Returns a {@link Function} created from a method specified by a {@code methodQuery}.
* If the {@code methodQuery} matches none or more than one methods, a {@code RuntimeException} will be thrown.
* To pass an input value given to an entry point method, such as `TestAssertions.assertThat`, to the method, use a place-holder value returned by {@link Functions#parameter()}.
* @param methodQuery A query object that specifies a method to be invoked by the returned function.
* @param <T> the type of the input to the returned function
* @return Created function.
* @see Functions#classMethod(Class, String, Object[])
* @see Functions#instanceMethod(Object, String, Object[])
* @see Functions#parameter()
public static <T, R> Function<T, R> call(MethodQuery methodQuery) {
return Printables.function(methodQuery.describe(), t -> invokeMethod(methodQuery.bindActualArguments((o) -> o instanceof Parameter, o -> t)));
* // @formatter:off
* Creates a {@link MethodQuery} object from given arguments to search for {@code static} methods.
* Note that {@code arguments} are actual argument values, not the formal parameter types.
* The pcond library searches for the "best" matching method for you.
* In case no matching method is found or more than one methods are found, a {@link RuntimeException}
* will be thrown.
* In order to specify a parameter which should be passed to the returned function at applying,
* you can use an object returned by {@link Functions#parameter} method.
* This is useful to construct a function from an existing method.
* To pass an input value given to an entry point method, such as `TestAssertions.assertThat`, to the method, use a place-holder value returned by {@link Functions#parameter()}.
* That is, in order to create a function which computes sin using query a method {@link Math#sin(double)},
* you can do following
* [source, java]
* ----
* public class Example
* public void buildSinFunction() {
* MethodQuery mq = classMethod(Math.class, "sin", parameter());
* Function<Double, Double> sin = call(mq);
* System.out.println(sin(Math.PI/2));
* }
* }
* ----
* This prints {@code 1.0}.
* In case your arguments do not contain any {@link Parameter} object, the input
* argument passed to the built function will be simply ignored.
* // @formatter:on
* @param targetClass A class
* @param methodName A method name
* @param arguments Arguments
* @return A method query for static methods specified by arguments.
* @see com.github.dakusui.pcond.core.refl.ReflUtils#findMethod(Class, String, Object[])
* @see Functions#parameter()
public static MethodQuery classMethod(Class<?> targetClass, String methodName, Object... arguments) {
return MethodQuery.classMethod(targetClass, methodName, arguments);
* // @formatter:off
* Creates a {@link MethodQuery} object from given arguments to search for {@code static} methods.
* Excepting that this method returns a query for instance methods, it is quite
* similar to {@link Functions#classMethod(Class, String, Object[])}.
* This method is useful to build a function from an instance method.
* That is, you can create a function which returns the length of a given string
* from a method {@link String#length()} with a following code snippet.
* [source, java]
* ----
* public void buildLengthFunction() {
* Function<String, Integer> length = call(instanceMethod(parameter(), "length"));
* }
* ----
* In case the {@code targetObject} is not an instance of {@link Parameter} and {@code arguments}
* contain no {@code Parameter} object, the function will simply ignore the input passed to it.
* To pass an input value given to an entry point method, such as `TestAssertions.assertThat`, to the method, use a place-holder value returned by {@link Functions#parameter()}.
* // @formatter:on
* @param targetObject An object on which methods matching returned query should be invoked.
* @param methodName A name of method.
* @param arguments Arguments passed to the method.
* @return A method query for instance methods specified by arguments.
* @see Functions#classMethod(Class, String, Object[])
* @see Functions#parameter()
public static MethodQuery instanceMethod(Object targetObject, String methodName, Object... arguments) {
return MethodQuery.instanceMethod(targetObject, methodName, arguments);
* // @formatter:off
* A short hand method to call
* [source, java]
* ---
* call(instanceMethod(object, methodName, args))
* ---
* // @formatter:on
* To pass an input value given to an entry point method, such as `TestAssertions.assertThat`, to the method, use a place-holder value returned by {@link Functions#parameter()}.
* @param targetObject An object on which methods matching returned query should be invoked.
* @param methodName A name of method.
* @param arguments Arguments passed to the method.
* @param <T> The type of the input to the returned function.
* @param <R> The type of the output from the returned function.
* @return The function that calls a method matching a query built from the given arguments.
* @see Functions#call(MethodQuery)
* @see Functions#instanceMethod(Object, String, Object[])
* @see Functions#parameter()
private static <T, R> Function<T, R> callInstanceMethod(Object targetObject, String methodName, Object... arguments) {
return call(instanceMethod(targetObject, methodName, arguments));
* Returns a function that calls a method which matches the given {@code methodName}
* and {@code args} on the object given as input to it.
* Note that method look up is done when the predicate is applied.
* This means this method does not throw any exception by itself and in case
* you give wrong {@code methodName} or {@code arguments}, an exception will be
* thrown when the returned function is applied.
* // @formatter:off
* [source, java]
* ----
* public class Example {
* public void method() {
* assertThat(value, transform(call("toString")).check(isNotNull()));
* }
* }
* ----
* To pass an input value given to an entry point method, such as `TestAssertions.assertThat`, to the method, use a place-holder value returned by {@link Functions#parameter()}.
* // @formatter:on
* @param methodName The method name
* @param arguments Arguments passed to the method.
* @param <T> The type of input to the returned function
* @param <R> The type of output from the returned function
* @return A function that invokes the method matching the {@code methodName} and {@code args}
* @see Functions#parameter()
public static <T, R> Function<T, R> call(String methodName, Object... arguments) {
return callInstanceMethod(parameter(), methodName, arguments);
* Returns a function that converts an input value to an exception object, which is thrown by `func`, when it is applied.
* If it does not throw an exception, or even if thrown, it is not an instance of {@code exceptionClass}, an assertion executed inside this method will fail and an exception
* to indicate it will be thrown.
* The exception will be typically an {@link AssertionError}.
* @param exceptionClass An exception class to be thrown.
* @param func A function to be exercised
* @param <T> A type of exception value to be thrown by {@code func}.
* @param <E> An input value type of {@code func}.
* @return A function that maps an input value to an exception.
public static <T, E extends Throwable> Function<T, E> expectingException(Class<E> exceptionClass, Function<? super T, ?> func) {
return Printables.function(
() -> String.format("expectingException(%s,%s)", exceptionClass.getSimpleName(), func),
in -> {
Object out;
try {
out = func.apply(in);
} catch (Throwable e) {
Validator.instance().assertThat(e, isInstanceOf(exceptionClass));
return (E) e;
String.format("%s(%s)->%s", func, formatObject(in, 12), formatObject(out, 12)),
allOf(exceptionThrown(), exceptionClassWas(exceptionClass)));
throw new AssertionError("A line that shouldn't be reached. File a ticket.");
* Returns a {@link Parameter} object, which is used in combination with {@link Functions#instanceMethod(Object, String, Object[])},
* {@link Functions#classMethod(Class, String, Object[])}, or their shorthand methods.
* The object returned by this method is replaced with the actual input value passed to a function built
* through {@link Functions#call(MethodQuery)} or {@link Predicates#callp(MethodQuery)}
* when it is applied.
* @return a {@code Parameter} object
* @see Functions#classMethod(Class, String, Object[])
* @see Functions#instanceMethod(Object, String, Object[])
* @see Functions#call(MethodQuery)
* @see Functions#call(String, Object[])
* @see Predicates#callp(MethodQuery)
* @see Predicates#callp(String, Object[])
public static Parameter parameter() {
return Parameter.INSTANCE;
private static Predicate<Object> exceptionThrown() {
return Printables.predicate("exceptionThrown", v -> false);
private static Predicate<Object> exceptionClassWas(Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass) {
return Printables.predicate(() -> "exceptionClass:" + requireNonNull(exceptionClass).getSimpleName(), v -> false);
* A method to return a value for a "casting placeholder value".
* @param <E> Type to cast to.
* @return Casting placeholder value
public static <E> E value() {
return null;