package com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.pipeline.stages.generators;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.core.AArray;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.utils.TupleUtils;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.core.StreamableCombinator;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.core.StreamableRowCartesianator;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.core.TupleSet;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.utils.Utils;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.exceptions.FrameworkException;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.exceptions.TestDefinitionException;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.factorspace.Constraint;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.factorspace.Factor;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.factorspace.FactorSpace;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.factorspace.FactorUtils;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.pipeline.Requirement;
import com.github.dakusui.jcunitx.pipeline.stages.Generator;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import static java.util.Collections.disjoint;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparingInt;
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList;
public class IpoGplus extends Generator.Base {
private final Session session;
private final TupleSet precovered;
public IpoGplus(FactorSpace factorSpace, Requirement requirement, List<AArray> seeds) {
super(factorSpace, requirement);
this.session = new Session();
this.precovered = new TupleSet.Builder().addAll(
.filter(tuple -> tuple.keySet().containsAll(factorSpace.getFactorNames()))
// tuples covered by negative tests should not be considered
// covered.
tuple -> factorSpace.getConstraints().stream()
constraint -> constraint.test(tuple)
.map(tuple -> TupleUtils.project(tuple, factorSpace.getFactorNames()))
.flatMap(tuple -> TupleUtils.subtuplesOf(tuple, requirement.strength()).stream())
* 8. choose a value vi of Pi and replace τ with τ’ = (v 1 , v 2 ,
* ..., vi-1 , vi ) so that τ’ covers the most number of
* combinations of values in π (*3)
private static Optional<Object> chooseLevelThatCoversMostTuples(AArray τ, Factor fi, TupleSet π, int t, List<Factor> allFactors, List<Constraint> allConstraints, Session session) {
return fi.getLevels().stream()
.map((Object eachLevel) -> modifyTupleWith(τ, fi.getName(), eachLevel))
.filter(isAllowedTuple(allFactors, allConstraints, session)) // (*3)
(AArray t1, AArray t2) ->
(int) (countCoveredTuplesBy(t1, π, t) - countCoveredTuplesBy(t2, π, t))
.map((AArray tuple) -> tuple.get(fi.getName()));
private static AArray modifyTupleWith(AArray τ, String factorName, Object o1) {
return new AArray.Builder().putAll(τ).put(factorName, o1).build();
* Counts number of tuples in {@code π} covered by {@code τ$}.
* @param τ$ A tuple to cover tuples in π.
* @param π A set of tuples to be covered by {@code τ$}.
* @param t strength
private static long countCoveredTuplesBy(AArray τ$, final TupleSet π, int t) {
return TupleUtils.subtuplesOf(τ$, t).stream()
* <pre>
* 16. change an existing test, if possible, or otherwise add a new test
* to cover σ
* </pre>
private static AArray createTupleFrom(List<String> factorNames, AArray σ) {
AArray.Builder builder = new AArray.Builder();
for (String each : factorNames) {
builder.put(each, DontCare);
return builder.build();
public static Function<AArray, AArray> replaceDontCareValuesWithActualLevels(final List<Factor> allFactors, List<Constraint> allConstraints, Session session) {
return new Function<AArray, AArray>() {
final int maxReadAheadSize = allFactors.stream()
.map(factor -> factor.getLevels().size())
.max(comparingInt(o -> o))
int i = 0;
public AArray apply(AArray in) {
List<Factor> dontCareFactors = dontCareFactors(in, allFactors);
if (dontCareFactors.isEmpty())
return in;
i = i % maxReadAheadSize;
return new AArray.Builder()
), // (*a)
).orElseThrow(() -> TestDefinitionException.impossibleConstraint(allConstraints))
private Optional<AArray> chooseAssignment(Stream<AArray> tupleStream, int index) {
List<AArray> work = tupleStream.limit(index + 1).collect(toList());
return work.isEmpty() ?
Optional.empty() :
Optional.of(work.get(index % work.size()));
private static List<Factor> dontCareFactors(AArray tuple, List<Factor> factors) {
return factors.stream()
(Factor eachFactor) ->
tuple.containsKey(eachFactor.getName()) && tuple.get(eachFactor.getName()) == DontCare
private static AArray removeDontCares(AArray in) {
AArray.Builder builder = new AArray.Builder();
.filter(s -> !DontCare.equals(in.get(s)))
.forEach(s -> builder.put(s, in.get(s)));
return builder.build();
public static Stream<AArray> streamAllPossibleTuples(List<Factor> factors, int strength) throws FrameworkException {
factors.size() >= strength
Map<String, Factor> factorValues = new HashMap<String, Factor>() {{
factors.forEach(factor -> put(factor.getName(), factor));
return new StreamableCombinator<>(FactorUtils.toFactorNames(factors), strength)
.flatMap((List<String> chosenFactorNames) -> new StreamableRowCartesianator(projectFactorValues(chosenFactorNames, factorValues)).stream());
private static List<Factor> projectFactorValues(List<String> chosenFactorNames, Map<String, Factor> factorValues) {
return chosenFactorNames.stream()
* Chooses a test from {@code ts} to cover {@code σ}.
* Returns {@code null} if no test in ts can cover σ.
* <pre>
* 16. change an existing test, if possible, or otherwise add a new test
* to cover σ and remove it from π
* </pre>
* σ is a partial tuple.
* ts is a list of partial test cases, each of which has same keys.
* We already know that ts doesn't contain any test that covers σ.
* This method chooses tests from ts by
* @param ts A set of (incomplete) tests.
* @param σ A tuple to be covered.
* @return A stream of possible incomplete tests that cover σ.
public static Stream<AArray> streamIncompleteTestsToCoverGivenTuple(List<AArray> ts, final AArray σ) {
return ts.stream()
.filter((AArray each) -> σ.keySet().stream()
.allMatch(eachFactorNameIn_σ -> {
if (!each.containsKey(eachFactorNameIn_σ))
return true;
Object eachLevel = each.get(eachFactorNameIn_σ);
return Objects.equals(eachLevel, DontCare) || Objects.equals(eachLevel, σ.get(eachFactorNameIn_σ));
public static Stream<AArray> streamAssignmentsForDontCaresUnderConstraints(
AArray in,
List<Factor> allFactors,
List<Constraint> allConstraints,
Session session
) {
List<Factor> dontCareFactors = dontCareFactors(in, allFactors);
if (allConstraints.isEmpty())
return Stream.of(new AArray.Builder().putAll(removeDontCares(in)).putAll(session.chooseAssignmentsFor(dontCareFactors)).build());
return new StreamableRowCartesianator(dontCareFactors).stream()
.flatMap(tuple -> streamAssignmentsAllowedByConstraints(
new AArray.Builder().putAll(removeDontCares(in)).putAll(tuple).build(),
public static Stream<AArray> streamAssignmentsAllowedByConstraints(
AArray request,
List<Factor> allFactors,
List<Constraint> allConstraints,
Session session
) {
List<Factor> factorsUnderConstraintsInRequest = factorsUnderConstrains(allFactors, allConstraints).stream(
factor -> (!request.containsKey(factor.getName()) || request.get(factor.getName()) == DontCare) ?
factor :
Factor.create(factor.getName(), new Object[] { request.get(factor.getName()) })
return _streamAssignmentsAllowedByConstraints(request, allConstraints, factorsUnderConstraintsInRequest, session);
public static Function<List<Factor>, Stream<AArray>> streamTuplesUnderConstraints(List<Constraint> allConstraints) {
return factorsUnderConstraintsInRequest -> new StreamableRowCartesianator(
public static Predicate<AArray> satisfiesAllOf(List<Constraint> predicates) {
return predicates.stream()
.map((Function<Constraint, Predicate<AArray>>) constraint -> constraint)
.orElse(tuple -> true);
public static List<Constraint> getFullyInvolvedConstraints(Collection<String> assignedFactorNames, List<Constraint> allConstraints) {
return allConstraints.stream()
.filter((Constraint eachConstraint) -> assignedFactorNames.containsAll(eachConstraint.involvedKeys()))
public static List<Constraint> getPartiallyInvolvedConstraints(Collection<String> assignedFactorNames, List<Constraint> allConstraints) {
return allConstraints.stream()
.filter((Constraint eachConstraint) -> !assignedFactorNames.containsAll(eachConstraint.involvedKeys()))
.filter((Constraint eachConstraint) -> !disjoint(eachConstraint.involvedKeys(), assignedFactorNames))
private static Stream<AArray> _streamAssignmentsAllowedByConstraints(
AArray request,
List<Constraint> allConstraints,
List<Factor> factorsUnderConstraintsInRequest,
Session session
) {
Optional<AArray> firstTuple = session.findFirstTupleUnderConstraints.apply(allConstraints).apply(factorsUnderConstraintsInRequest);
if (firstTuple.isPresent()) {
StreamableRowCartesianator cartesianator = new StreamableRowCartesianator(
return cartesianator
tuple -> AArray.builder().putAll(request).putAll(tuple).build()
return Stream.empty();
private static Function<List<Constraint>, Function<List<Factor>, Optional<AArray>>> functionToFindFirstTupleUnderConstraints() {
return Utils.memoize(IpoGplus::findFirstTupleUnderConstraints);
private static Function<List<Factor>, Optional<AArray>> findFirstTupleUnderConstraints(List<Constraint> allConstraints) {
return (List<Factor> factorsUnderConstrains) ->
private static Predicate<AArray> satisfies(List<Constraint> allConstraints) {
return tuple -> allConstraints.stream().allMatch(constraint -> constraint.test(tuple));
private static List<Factor> factorsUnderConstrains(List<Factor> allFactors, List<Constraint> allConstraints) {
return allFactors.stream(
factor -> allConstraints.stream().anyMatch(constraint -> constraint.involvedKeys().contains(factor.getName()))
private static Predicate<AArray> isAllowedTuple(List<Factor> allFactors, List<Constraint> allConstraints, Session session) {
return (AArray tuple) -> streamAssignmentsAllowedByConstraints(
* <pre>
* Algorithm: IPOG-Test (int t , ParameterSet ps ) {
* 1. initialize test set ts to be an empty set
* 2. denote the parameters in ps , in an arbitrary order, as P1 , P2, ...,
* and Pn
* 3. add into test set ts a test for each combination of values of the first
* t parameters (*1)
* 4. for (int i = t + 1 ; i ≤ n ; i ++ ){
* 5. let π be the set of t-way combinations of values involving parameter
* Pi and t -1 parameters among the first i – 1 parameters (*2)
* 6. // horizontal extension for parameter Pi
* 7. for (each test τ = (v 1 , v 2 , ..., v i-1 ) in test set ts ) {
* 8. choose a value vi of Pi and replace τ with τ’ = (v 1 , v 2 ,
* ..., vi-1 , vi ) so that τ’ covers the most number of
* combinations of values in π (*3)
* 9. remove from π the combinations of values covered by τ’
* 10. }
* 11. // vertical extension for parameter P i
* 12. for (each combination σ in set π ) {
* 13. if (there exists a test that already covers σ ) {
* 14. remove σ from π
* 15. } else {
* 16. change an existing test, if possible, or otherwise add a new test
* to cover σ and remove it from π (*4) (*a)
* 17. }
* 18. }
* 19. }
* 20. return ts;
* }
* See http://barbie.uta.edu/~fduan/ACTS/IPOG_%20A%20General%20Strategy%20for%20T-Way%20Software%20Testing.pdf
* Constraint handling consideration (if an impossible constraint is given)
* (*1) If one or more impossible constraints are involved in first t parameters,
* ts can become empty. This method should return an empty set immediately.
* (*2) If one or more impossible constraints are involved in first i-1 parameters,
* π will become empty.
* (*3)
* (*4)
* </pre>
public List<AArray> generateCore() {
if (this.factorSpace.getFactors().size() == this.requirement.strength()) {
return streamAllPossibleTuples(this.factorSpace.getFactors(), this.requirement.strength())
.filter(satisfiesAllOf(this.factorSpace.getConstraints())) // OVERRIDING
* Algorithm: IPOG-Test (int t , ParameterSet ps ) {
* 1. initialize test set ts to be an empty set
* 2. denote the parameters in ps , in an arbitrary order, as P1 , P2, ...,
* and Pn
* 3. add into test set ts a test for each combination of values of the first
* t parameters (*1)
int t = this.requirement.strength();
List<Factor> allFactors = this.factorSpace.getFactors().stream()
.sorted(comparingInt(o -> -o.getLevels().size()))
List<Constraint> allConstraints = this.factorSpace.getConstraints();
List<AArray> ts = streamAllPossibleTuples(allFactors.subList(0, t), t)
.filter(isAllowedTuple(allFactors, allConstraints, session)) // (*1)
.filter(tuple -> !this.precovered.contains(tuple))
if (ts.isEmpty())
return emptyList();
List<Factor> processedFactors = new LinkedList<>(allFactors.subList(0, t));
int n = allFactors.size();
* 4. for (int i = t + 1 ; i ≤ n ; i ++ ){
* * t; strength
* * 0-origin
TupleSet π;
for (int i = t + 1; i <= n; i++) {
/* 5. let π be the set of t -way combinations of values involving parameter
* Pi and t -1 parameters among the first i – 1 parameters (*2)
Factor Pi = allFactors.get(i - 1);
π = prepare_π(processedFactors, allFactors, allConstraints, t);
/* 6. // horizontal extension for parameter Pi
* 7. for (each test τ = (v 1 , v 2 , ..., v i-1 ) in test set ts ) {
for (AArray τ : ts) {
/* 8. choose a value vi of Pi and replace τ with τ’ = (v 1 , v 2 ,
* ..., vi-1 , vi ) so that τ’ covers the most number of
* combinations of values in π (*3)
Object vi = chooseLevelThatCoversMostTuples(
τ, Pi, π, t,
// (*3) This cannot happen
() -> TestDefinitionException.failedToCover(Pi.getName(), Pi.getLevels(), τ)
τ.put(Pi.getName(), vi);
/* 9. remove from π the combinations of values covered by τ’
π.removeAll(TupleUtils.subtuplesOf(τ, t));
/* 10.
* 11. // vertical extension for parameter P i
* 12. for (each combination σ in set π ) {
for (AArray σ : new LinkedList<>(π)) {
/* 13. if (there exists a test that already covers σ ) {
* 14. remove σ from π
* 15. } else {
* 16. change an existing test, if possible, or otherwise add a new test
* to cover σ and remove it from π (*4)
* 17. }
if (ts.stream().anyMatch(σ::isContainedBy)) {
} else {
AArray chosenTest = streamIncompleteTestsToCoverGivenTuple(
ts, σ
(AArray tuple) -> isAllowedTuple(allFactors, allConstraints, this.session).test(
) // (*4)
() -> createTupleFrom(
* <pre>
* 16. change an existing test, if possible, or otherwise add a new test
* to cover σ (*a)
* </pre>
if (!ts.contains(chosenTest))
ts = ts.stream()
return ts;
protected void validate() {
this.factorSpace.getFactors().size() >= requirement.strength(),
() -> String.format(
"Required strength (%d) > Only %d factors are given: %s",
private TupleSet prepare_π(List<Factor> alreadyProcessedFactors, List<Factor> allFactors, List<Constraint> allConstraints, int strength) {
/* 5. let π be the set of t -way combinations of values involving parameter
* Pi and t -1 parameters among the first i – 1 parameters (*2)
return new TupleSet.Builder().addAll(
new StreamableCombinator<>(
.flatMap((List<Factor> factors) -> new StreamableRowCartesianator(factors).stream())
.filter((AArray tuple) -> !precovered.contains(tuple))
.filter(isAllowedTuple(allFactors, allConstraints, session)) // (*2)
public static class Session {
private final AtomicInteger optimizer = new AtomicInteger(0);
* A curried function to find first tuple under constraints, which is memoized.
private final Function<List<Constraint>, Function<List<Factor>, Optional<AArray>>>
findFirstTupleUnderConstraints = Utils.memoize(functionToFindFirstTupleUnderConstraints());
private Map<String, Object> chooseAssignmentsFor(List<Factor> dontCareFactors) {
return new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
dontCareFactors.forEach(factor -> put(factor.getName(), factor.getLevels().get(optimizer.getAndIncrement() % factor.getLevels().size())));