commandunit doesn’t work

I am on a macOS and using commandunit, but a permission problem is reported

Currently, minikube + dockerized combination seems sometimes not working on macOS (Issue-26). Please try native mode, if you see an error such as following:

INFO: Local repository path that has SSH Git URL ...
mkdir: cannot create directory '/tmp/bud': No space left on device
ERROR:(exit code:1, pipe status: 1):
  at /app/dependencies/bud/lib/core.rc:54 (abort)
I am on a macOS and using commandunit in "native" mode but it doesn’t work

In some conditions, yaml2json installed through npm doesn’t work macOS at all. There are two workarounds.

  1. Install it through brew

  2. Install yq and create a wrapper script that invokes it with the name yaml2json. The wrapper script should look like following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
yq -o=json "${@}"

Place this file somewhere on the PATH environment variable. (t.b.d.)

if macOS yaml2json doesn’t work. → Workaround

/opt/homebrew/bin/yaml2json 0.3.0[1]

none subcommand.

macOS yaml2json doesn’t work.

